
Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we ship worldwide! The shipping prices are fixed rate depending on your location and product chosen. (It won't go up by weight)
Customs & duty are the responsibility of the customer. Please see the price at checkout.
*Please contact me for commercial shipping information.

Where do you ship from and how quickly do you ship?

I ship from New Jersey or New York, USA. All orders take 3 business days for productions (personalization items only) and will shipped out within 3-5 business days.
* Some of Westcoast, CA, TX and etc will be taking longer depends on processing condition by UPSP.
All orders are shipped via standard lettermail, and therefore there is no tracking. This helps to keep shipping costs low for my customers.
The shipping & delivery by UPSP with first class mail for standard.  Shipping upgrades are availalbe at checkout.

✿ Estimated delivery times:

US: 1 - 2 weeks (most orders arrive within 2 weeks).
International: 3 - 10 weeks (most orders arrive within 4 weeks) 

How do you pack orders? 

All orders are shipped in a kraft envelope with a clear planstic bag for protection . The large order will be shipped in a box.

✿ What are the Shipping Options? 


Your order will be shipped through the USPS. Specific shipping times will vary.
Economy (USPS mail postage stamp, no tracking): approx. 7-10 days
USPS First Class Package (tracking is included): approx. 5-7 days
Priority Mail (Tracking is Included): Approx. 1-3 Days
Priority Mail Express (Tracking Included): Next day to 2-day guarantee by 6 PM
International Mail (Sticker & Labels -only, orders do not include tracking): approx. 21-28 days

For commerical, the shipping information will be provided based on orders.
Shipping Upgrade Options are available at checkout :)